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Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Why Become Business Property Main Options

Investment in property is still a choice most people, because people assume that it is one of the best ways to develop money. In general, investment property is considered more secure from other business investment. For you own or manage the investment, so you can control almost everything. However, it is not the only advantage to invest in property, because the most interesting fact from investment in this property allows you to use other people money to start investing.

Most other investment products is influenced by many external factors. For example, prices at the stock exchange can be up and down quickly because even significant issues or gossip about politics, government policy, state security, economic conditions, such as bonds or the price down when the inflation figures and interest rates rise. Compared to the property even though the external factors are also affected, but the changes are not too fast, for example: the price of a house can not be changed once a day but only in the annual need.

Benefits of Investment in Property

With the property to invest, you have the opportunity to get the return investments. If you see Donald Trump's property the United States or Ir. Ciputra from Indonesia, they are rich from the business property. The Bank also has a property, if we look at building high-rise headquarters of a magnificent, not to mention the tens of the number of branches. Many ways to invest to property. You can get started with buying a house to live, shop, build a house rented, commercial building or other vacant land.

Of all these options, buy and sell houses rented better selected for the new start will invest in property, and then little by little to save the results of the lease to invest again. If you see a lot of people interested to make a rented house, for the employer to be possible you have a property that you can control yourself, then sell them later. The good news you do not need much money to start your investment in property.

It's important to understand why a property is often the main option for the property, why not because property is not a risk. Like other investment, the property also has constraints such as the tenant is late paying the rent house, moving without notifying, which damaged the building, any difficulties can occur. Basically if you are busy with the affairs of this kind, the investment in the property for you.

Using Other People Money

One of the most interesting from the investment in the property that the system is made so that allows you to use the money to pay for other people of your investment. This is one of the most important concepts that make a property can make you more rich than other investments. On the type of investment other then the large amount of investment is determined from how much you are willing and able to pay with cash. So to buy another investment you pay cash with the assumption that using your own money.

We just take an example: investment in capital markets. To buy shares you have to pay all cash transactions of all, unless you do the actual trading margin is very risky. Similarly investment in bonds, mutual funds, deposits and savings in the bank, and even gold and valuable collection of art, using all of that cash entirely. Investment in property is not so, you could pay as much as the house down payment of 10% to 30% of house prices in order to have the goods then the rest can be financed from the loan to the bank. Isn'T bank, the developer would also provide relief for the payment of installment payment cash advance purchase of goods.

Opportunity to use the money realized other people in the form of financing is called by the term leverage, or ability to multiply things. For example, in the first day you successfully get a home loan with the advance payment of $ 3,000, then on that day also direct your cash assets increased to $ 10,000. With the use of the investment houses can be doubled in two ways. First, the more money they invested the money of others, or financing that you can get, for example, with the money $ 3,000, you can only buy shares up to $ 3,000. However, with the same amount of money if invested in the property, then you can buy a house for $ 10,000. Where you pay down the house for $ 3,000, and the bank to pay the remainder of $ 7,000, then you become an owner of a building for $ 10,000. Amount not more than 3 time 300% or doubled? Extraordinary.

Why the Real Estate

Using the money of others, or use the financing is one of the ease that only can be used to invest in property. But other than that there are many benefits of investment in the property which makes it very interesting compare the investment in others.

1. Cash Flow is the money you receive on a regular basis on the money you save in an investment. such as interest rate and savings deposit is cash flow as income to provide for you. In property, the rent can be an income or cash flow for you. The more buildings you can rent just so the larger the cash flow you.

2. The value of your home ownership is increasing. Value your rights or ownership of investment property that is financed from the concept of using the money before someone else will increase, far beyond your debt or obligation. Rights of ownership in an investment someone is known by the term equity. For example if you purchase the investment property of $ 10,000, which is financed by the bank $ 7,000, $ 3,000 the rest of the money of your own. So your rights of ownership of the investment is worth $ 10,000 earlier is $ 3,000 or 30% of it.

Rights of ownership will increase in value due to an installment payment of the debt obligations. In addition, your rights of ownership also increases the value of property increases. Your property value will increase due to inflation makes the price of goods and services, including property to increase. Inflation is due not only increase the value of the property but you also have the opportunity to increase cash flow or income to the way you regularly raise money to rent a house in line with the inflation line. Increase the value of this property can even increase your borrowing power.

Bank usually be happy to provide additional loan guarantees based on the price increase or a property. You can use this money to pay off old debt balance, and the remaining money from the loans come in your bag. Then for a new installment loan, can be adjusted with the rent income.

3. Opportunity to build a larger building again, after you successfully pay off debt, you will have more money to be allocated, for example, to create a property that already have become greater. Many investment properties starting from a small building, but because of the income from the rent that can be made in monthly installment debt, then make the property more into the building may be very large.

Are Difficult To Get Loan Investment Property

Most difficult part of all business is to get money to pay for the business. People even still very difficult to borrow from the bank for a business loan to start business. Banks usually only provide loans only to businesses that have been running 2 years. This does not apply when you want the bank to borrow money to buy a house. No matter whether you are buying a new home for the first time or for the umpteenth time, the house can be given credit by the bank for the purchase of the house to whatever.

In addition, the bank's home loan is also considered as a type of credit risk is low. For the amount of home loan repayments with your customized, so the bank is assumed that borrowers have a stable income that can be used to pay the monthly installment. Then viewed in terms of the warranty, the building itself. that we know the price continues to increase, so do not wonder if the insurance is generally able to pay debts.

First Step in Starting Investment Property

While there are opportunities to use the loan to finance your investment property, does not mean you become nonchalant. Investment in fixed property requires a commitment of money and time. So do research and set a plan before investing in property is very important. Because the initial step and most important once you decide to invest to learn the property is all about the property as many as you can. Continue to learn, there are many sources of information that you may be able to learn about investment property such as books, courses, seminars, the internet and others. To recognize a business property you can also take a part-time job as a property broker.

Advantages, in addition you can practice what you learned from the various sources of information before, you can also get a commission from the sale of the property you are selling. Not to mention the opportunity to build a network or the network would be very useful to help your business property later. Doing research before hand will make you more alert to the risk or problem that may arise regarding the ownership of property can occur, for example problems with the tenants, the cost of building maintenance. Do in cooperation with the home seller or an agent broker property, after you provide yourself with adequate information about the property business then look for a seller agent or broker home property that is willing to help you understand more about the property business.

Find the agent that the seller has at least 2 years experience, they usually have much more the business property. You should find a home seller agents working fulltime from Should, as is feared they could not meet the research on interest rates, increasing property prices, rental price, if you want to use the financing from the bank first then compare interest rates credit banks with each other and seek the most competitive. Then also on the assumption that property prices increase, so you can determine how much the selling price at any time later. Do not forget if you want to get the income from the rental house, the price before deciding to rent seek information on the price to rent a house that is suitable for areas that are tailored to the condition the building.

Your Action Plan Once you have set one's mind to invest in property, then you set a goal of the investment property you are specific and measurable. Suppose you want to get $ 10,000 of money that you use in the purchase of investment property or property could be $ 100,000 in 10 years. Once you've set your goal then you can determine what type of property that is suitable to achieve the goal, whether residential, commercial buildings .. Count how many amount of money needed for investment, property market conditions, then the amount of rent you can expect, and how many buildings you can buy.

With research as recommended above, then you can estimate how much money you have to provide investment results and how that can be expected to continue to grow. You can even estimate how long the property must hold before you sell it. By creating financial goals will give you the kind of guidelines to start your new business, take the action necessary, to anticipate risks and make investment.

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