Many ways to the campaign, which is below is how most of the campaign may have done a lot of people, for those of you who have not been doing this way. you should try from now.
• Place an ad in the newspaper line.
• Place an ad in the phone book.
• Place an ad in the shopping center.
• On approaching customers by phone.
• to direct the prospective consumer.
• Promotion through the mail.
• So the speaker in the seminar and talk about things that you really understand.
• Became a guest speaker at the dialogue session on the radio.
• Create a central data about your customers, complete with the address. Keep continue to stay up-to-date.
• Build your company's image with business cards and letterhead letter of interest.
• Create a brochure describing the benefits of your product.
• Develop systems via mail order.
• Create a special place to exhibit and purchase your products directly.
• Making long-distance marketing
• Create a company logo in accordance with the image you want to wake up.
• Publish newsletters such recount the latest developments of your business, at least three months.
• Make a gift with company logo, such as calendar, pen, mug, paper scraps, and so forth.
• Create a social campaign with your product. For example, if your product's lights, it tips about the sparing use of electricity.
• Make a balloon, or stickers with the logo and slogan of your company.
• Design a T-shirt with logo and company name.
• Joint promotions with other companies that are not competitors.
• Learn all of the cost of the campaign, whether through newspapers, magazines, radio, television, publicity boards, bus stop, and other public places.
• Find ways to reduce the cost of the campaign by using the campaign together.
• grateful to the customer by mail that you send to him.
• Maintain relationships with customers in a way to send birthday cards, holiday, Christmas or New Year.
• Post company profile in the magazine or newspaper which is read by the prospective consumer target.
• Rent advertising agency or public relations.
• Perform a promotional contest.
• Perform special seminars that discuss products, services, and your company.
• Place brochures or other promotional material in the bill to tell you.
• Find customers at the exhibition.
• Find potential customers in associations related to your business.
• Find customers at the seminar.
• Find potential customers in the magazine or newspaper.
• packed brochures, price lists, and correspondence in a special place for customers.
• Place the sign in the street near the office.
• Spread paste on the brochure car windshield wiper.
• Print the paper on a campaign letter or envelope.
• Place the logo and company name on the car company.
• Prepare a video about the company profile.
• Make a complete list of products on the image and how to use the profits to make your campaign.
• Prepare a proposal that offered ready to anticipate customers' needs.
• Provide examples of free products.
• Provide the opportunity for potential customers to see the production process.
• Sponsors charity events.
If you are still not happy with the way this campaign, you can add your own way. Welcome to try, I hope you always success.
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